Monday, March 26, 2007

Gas Price Update

So you may remember my earlier post where I showed gas prices below $2.00. Well, quite a lot has changed since then on the gas price front. Prices have gone up about 25% since then (about 50 cents) and are now at about $2.42. We are still below the national average in New Jersey, but I've been avoiding getting gas lately because the prices are so much higher than a couple months ago. So today I was so close to empty I might not have made it to work (well, I probably would have but wouldn't have made it home later) so I stopped at Wawa to get gas. They say the prices are going to peak soon and then start falling. That is, of course, if the cost of crude doesn't go up. On another note, I made another outstanding recipe today from Madhur Jaffrey's cookbook. If you want to get into Indian Cooking, I highly recommend this one. You can find it on Amazon here. Thanks to Heather for getting me this one!

1 comment:

  1. Do gas prices usually go up when the weather gets warmer?
