So this picture probably doesn't seem to have anything to do with Black Friday. But ... well it doesn't really. Haha. Actually, this was taken in the Best Buy parking lot. I thought the leaves on these shrubs just looked awesome and I had to take a photo. Chad and I got up a little after 5 AM and went shopping at Target, Staples, Best Buy, Circuit City, Michaels, Office Depot, Barnes and Noble, and Brave New Worlds. I know we shouldn't succumb to the consumerism of the holiday season but we just can't help it. It was a tiring but fun day.
(Note: This is my photo from Friday, November 23rd)
Were there horrible lines? I wanted to go to Hobby Lobby on Black Friday, but the parking lot scared me away. All those crazy shopping people drive me bonkers-- I've done most of my shopping online this year.