Friday, November 2, 2007

Happy Halloween - Death of a Willow

I hope you guys don't mind, but I'm going to post 2 photos for Halloween. The first is a photo of our neighbors' curly willow tree. Actually, it's the remains of the tree after they had it cut down. The tree was getting too big for the space and was threatening some power lines, so Deb had some people come give estimates. One guy stopped by because he was in the area and he gave her a really good deal if he could do it immediately, so she jumped at the chance. It's sad because it was an awesome tree.

My second photo is of my mom's awesome jack-o-lantern. Can you tell what it is?


  1. Your Mom's Jack-O-Lantern is so cool! Did she do that herself? I am very impressed. Cool dragon.

  2. She did do it herself. Should I give away her secret? Perhaps I'll let her comment about it.

  3. Well, I cheated a little. I did use a pattern and special knives...

  4. Still, YOU did it. It's not like bakers or architects design things without the proper tools of their trade! I don't think it is cheating.

  5. Yes I do mind, please remove one immediately.

    And by the way, where is this month's child support? Louis Vitton nappies don't buy themselves you know!

    Issue one of my column is up...please forgive the fact I am technologically inept and it doesn't look very cool (I need a hand with that, please, when you are not so busy thank you please) and also please forgive the fact it is all it.

  6. Oh my God your mum (mom?) has her own blog! I love your mother Andrew...if I were your mother's son I would buy her flowers and chocolate and Manolo Blahniks every single day Andrew. :P

  7. I claim Mom for Halloween next year!

  8. I like "Merboy"...he has good ideas!

  9. Why do "j to tha p" and "merboy" have the same blog? Hmmmm.....

  10. Don't mind him ... he has some kind of multi-personality disorder. :P

  11. what is this weirdo talking about? does your mom have her own blog? if she does and i don't know about it, i'm going to be very upset!

  12. She doesn't have one that I know of ...

  13. No, no, I am not smart enough to have my own blog. I can hardly keep track of my photographs on the computer...just ask my kids!!!

    I like the Manolo Blahniks idea though...but I think they would probably be very uncomfortable. At least they look uncomfortable.

  14. I have to add one more post to make it 14 because 13 is an unlucky number...

  15. Thanks very much adina but I'm not really a weirdo.

    If you don't like the Manolos there's always good old Jimmy Choos. Fashion isn't meant to be comfortable :S
