Yuki is the best! She sent us a little package and it got here today. It had stationery items from my favorite store, Muji. For those who don't know, Muji is like the Japanese equivalent of Ikea. They make stuff that is relatively inexpensive and is generally pretty simple, but very nice. It is supposed to be the "Un-brand" but it is actually its own brand. They have a store in London and I think there are some places (such as the MOMA stores in NYC) that sell their products in the U.S. I really miss going to Muji. Pictured here are a little tray to put on your desk for pens and pencils and such, a very cute folding picture frame, and a "Cube keshi gomu" That means "Cube eraser". It's like a little puzzle of erasers. Very cool, but also kind of impractical because each piece is kind of an odd shape. But I love it.
You can get Muji products online, too!